Thursday, September 23, 2010

Master Chef 2010

What a great afternoon! Every student was involved in the baking and decorating of a chocolate cake and then presenting it to the class and extended whanau. Mr Lewis and Mrs Leonard tasted every cake and loved them all.
We all learnt how important it is to measure ingredients and follow a recipe.

Master Chef 2010

I made a cake with Zoe and Caitlin.

By Javan

More writing

I am putting the salt in the bowl with my jelly bean apron on.

By Caitlin

More writing

This is my cake and Javan and Caitlin helped me make it.

By Zoe

Re-count writing of Master Chef 2010

Grandm and Gran came to Master Chef and ate a piece of cake at school.

Ben D

Friday, September 3, 2010

Master chef

Master chef is coming to Heathcote Valley School on the 22nd of September.
Hold onto your aprons as the day promises to be a unique experience as four teams compete to win the title of master chef in the chocolate cake category.
Much testing and trialling will take place over the next two weeks as we prepare to go into battle to win the coveted title of "Top Master Chef Team 2010".

If you are available to help either by hosting a team and helping them bake at your home, or helping at the other end with afternoon tea please come and see me.
Students will travel in private cars to a chosen kitchen, be supervised by a parent and then bring the cake and the students back to school. Judging will take place at 2pm on the 22nd September and all whanau are welcome to attend and celebrate in the students' learning.

Karawhuia e hoa ma!
Go for it my friends!

More science- making sorbet

We were visited by Mrs Gordon and her icecream machine. We watched as plums turned from a liquid into a semi solid to become sorbet. All this action in only 20 minutes and it was delicious!

Making butter

This week we learnt how to make butter. We watched as cream turned into a solid, then separated into curds (fat solid) and whey (liquid).
Then we drained off the whey and had lovely yellow butter.

We all ate the butter spread on bread.