Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 11

What a great morning we had baking hot cross buns and biscuits. Jane did a wonderful job of modelling the process and the students joined in to stir, knead and measure ingredients. This activity involved mathematical thinking, reading, science and technology.

The children also worked together on their sharing, taking turns and encouraging each other skills. All these attributes are wonderful Tall Learner goals. The buns were delicious and so were the biscuits.

Due to high demand here is the biscuit recipe-thanks Jane!
250 grams melted butter
2 cups flour
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup cornflour

Mix dry ingredients
Add melted butter and mix into a dough
Put into baking paper and shape into a log
Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden in an oven 150-160 degrees.

We chocolate dipped ours and used tiny piping bags Jane had made.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 10

What a great week we have had- our junior syndicate dance was fantastic in assembly on Thursday! Everybody put in lots of energy and effort.

Please use the online booking system for interviews next week.
I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Thankyou in advance to Rebecca, Fiona, Jane and Liz for your assistance in baking hot cross buns on Monday. I will post photos and the children's writing about the event.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kutu are in the house!

Please check your child's head for these annoying critters...

Please book your interview online as well - password L94WL

Monday, April 4, 2011

Old woollen blankets

Does anyone have any old pieces of woollen cloth or an old blanket we could cut up to make hearts on Friday? The Lyttelton ladies bring in cloth but it is great to get a variety and allow the children some creativity in their choice of colors.
Nikki Heffernan is relieving for me today, I am at home with a sick Ted (my youngest). Dad is on duty tomorrow though!Nikki is a fantastic guitarist and I have asked her to bring her guitar to entertain the children.

Whaea Sarah

Friday, April 1, 2011

1st April

What a busy day, we had Jump Jam, Poetry, Maths and the lovely ladies from Lyttelton came to visit. They are returning next Friday if anyone would like to help us sew.

The disco was really cool- I pulled a muscle busting out moves with Tim!

We are performing in assembly Thursday 11.45-12.30pm. That's all I am going to say.....It will be cool though

A reminder to get the Willowbank  (12th April)  forms in next week please

HOT CROSS BUN MAKING --11th April 10.30am--
Tim's Mum has kindly offered to come in and make shape and bake these. Any help would be great! We will also make and decorate some Easter biscuits. Preschoolers are welcome to attend and join in.

 Another artist in the making
We have had lots of people attend weddings and they love to show us what they wore-Gorgeous!