Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two days away and we are all okay for tomorrow 16 June

Hi everyone, we have cleaned up and are business as usual tomorrow! Feel free to pop in and support the children at any time during the day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Inquiry Term 2

Hopefully things are ticking along at home with the Space inquiry. Students should have a focus question to investigate and are beginning to collate their information before they decide how to present it.

Silly Bands
Please don't bring these to school to share or swap. Just wear them on your wrist and forget about them! They are causing some drama at break time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More writing

In the weekend my sister Briarley had a birthday party it was Nemo party. There were games we did a treasure hunt. We found lollypops. We went on the trampoline we also watched the movie of Nemo. There was a dog at the party we kept him in a cage. We had a cake then my sister opened her presents.
By Coby

Shared kai to celebrate Matariki

We were a little unsure if our potatoes were going to be yummy...

 We baked our potatoes early in the morning and kept them warm in the crockpot. The day was cold so they were the perfect lunch to warm us up. Some children came back again and again for more toppings of sour cream butter and tomato sauce.

Some writing

On Monday I went to Birdling's Flat, it took 17 kilometres because we biked there. At the end my Dad caught a baby shark it was great and fun. When we were heading home we saw my friend, his name is Callum.
By Gus

In the weekend I went to pick up a German family at the airport. Matai is 10 years old she speaks German. We went to the cafe.
By Amelia