Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 8 Lots of news!

It has been great to have had the first week back after the aftershock. I think everyone was nervous about returning. The children have been great at getting back into class routines. They have all been noticeably tired in the afternoons. Because our smartboard is temporarily out of action we have been unable to formally start out identity unit. Instead we are putting our efforts into a novel study on James and the Giant Peach. Come in and have a look at it- it looks more like a pear!
We will still do the unit but will finish the novel study first.They are being stretched as we discuss the book, it's characters and events.
Daily reading continues, to support your child please take a trip to the library as well and read read read together.
I have maths sheets available and are to be done at the child's own pace. Please see me if you would like extra sheets, I have a wide range.
Phonics spelling books have gone home and the children are all aware of what to do. If they are confused please come and see me. We buddy test in the mornings. Next term we will follow a syndicate spelling programme.
There will be optional writing cards available in the mornings. Please feel free to support your child (or any other) by sitting with them as they choose a high frequency word and write it as many times as possible on a whiteboard. Research has shown that this repeated exposure to writing has a positive impact on their writing. Once they have completed a whiteboard I will tick your child's chart and after filling up 10 spots they go in the treasure box. There are two lists, help your child choose a word that isn't too easy! Or I can assist with a word that I see needs correction in their writing.

I would love some help to make hot cross buns in week 11 if anyone is available please come and see me. Pre-schoolers are welcome.

The children have made a waka which is on the classroom wall. Underneath it is a whakatauki which says
"The canoe which is interlaced can never be broken'
Room 4 is starting to work together and I can see some very positive interactions between students which makes for a happy Whaea Sarah!

I am available before and after school if you would like to chat about any concerns.
Whaea Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for all that! What a busy and fun classroom with so many exciting learning activities going on! Keep up the great work Room 4 and Whaea Sarah:) From Liz and Tim ( Arianas Mum and Dad)
