Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 5

Room 4 enjoys using the puppets for oral language. The children have to talk about an adventure their puppet as had.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4 term 2

Pyjama day last Friday was very successful. The children and staff had far too much fun! We really enjoyed doing Jump Jam in our pyjamas and tried hard to stay clean when making our masks.

Feel free to pack slippers for the winter months.

Spelling is going well and everyone is learning their 10 words a week.

Topic is Space. Please discuss with your children what they have learnt and help them come up with a focus question to do a further inquiry on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Writing today- feel free to leave a comment

Today we had Cross Country I ran with Ariana and Maia. I got tired at the horse. When I got back I had a drink of water. It was fresh. We ran around Heathcote Valley. It was awesome. I felt hot and I was in the six year old girls' most people ran fast. Me and Arian and Maia ran fast Monique came first last year. I think I came fifth.
By Nina

Yesterday my buddy came from Room 12. We had to draw things that were blue. Then we played tag.
By Slade

In Tuesday we had Cross Country, it was fun. I ran with Maya. When me and Maya got up to the portaloo we got puffed then we started running again. We noticed houses when we got to the end. We got a drink and it was in Heathcote. We all had to run twice.
By Delta

The best thing I did in the holiday was my birthday.I turned seven. Me and my two friends drove to Chipmunks and then we dropped my friends off.

By Amelia

Yesterday my buddy from Room 12 came to our room. We did a lot of writing then we played tag and then we got to go home.

By Gus

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Digital story

Today I learnt to make digital stories and below is the trial one. Hope you like it the children will be learning how to do it themselves. Very exciting!

Digital story

Why let our students blog?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cross Country

Don't forget the Cross Country is on tomorrow May 17th at 9.05am. Please come and support the children.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 2 again

So sorry but I will be away looking after Harriet again- she is really unwell, poor thing. We had fun finishing our poetry writing with Room 12 and ran the cross country course with them also.
Keep up the nightly reading and spelling and I hope to see you all on Monday.

Whaea Sarah

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 2

I was away today with my daughter having exactly what my eldest son had a week ago. Nicci Heffernan was in and tells me she had a great day in Room 4. Spelling continues, the children will do the next ten words on their list which is either List 1 or List 2.
If you have a spare shirt or t-shirt that could be used during Art please bring it in as we will be getting messy over the next few weeks.

Keep warm and dry

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

General news

Please check your child's bookbag for their daily spelling and reading book. They may also have an additional maths sheet to complete.

Our Social Sciences unit has begun. Please support your child with discussing what makes them special, unique and who the people are in their life that contribute and shape who they are. It could be as simple as filling in the family tree and talking about their interests and things they enjoy.

Week 1 term 2

Welcome back everyone! We have had a lovely start to the term with a visit from my sister who teaches at Van Ash school. Fiona showed us some basic sign language and made us aware that sign language is one of the 3 official languages in New Zealand and that there are many opportunities to learn it and use it. I immediately think of the signing done during the quake with the council updates. Ask your child what is the sign for cat, dog, rabbit and "I want".