Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Writing today- feel free to leave a comment

Today we had Cross Country I ran with Ariana and Maia. I got tired at the horse. When I got back I had a drink of water. It was fresh. We ran around Heathcote Valley. It was awesome. I felt hot and I was in the six year old girls' most people ran fast. Me and Arian and Maia ran fast Monique came first last year. I think I came fifth.
By Nina

Yesterday my buddy came from Room 12. We had to draw things that were blue. Then we played tag.
By Slade

In Tuesday we had Cross Country, it was fun. I ran with Maya. When me and Maya got up to the portaloo we got puffed then we started running again. We noticed houses when we got to the end. We got a drink and it was in Heathcote. We all had to run twice.
By Delta

The best thing I did in the holiday was my birthday.I turned seven. Me and my two friends drove to Chipmunks and then we dropped my friends off.

By Amelia

Yesterday my buddy from Room 12 came to our room. We did a lot of writing then we played tag and then we got to go home.

By Gus

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