Monday, August 29, 2011

Gym on Friday

Hi all don't forget to bring back your permission slips and money to Paula. We will be leaving at 10am.

Any help would be appreciated during the making of our mural. This Wednesday and Thursday at 2.15pm we will be french knitting and cutting out material to use on the mural.


29th August Recount writing

On Saturday I made some scones. I got the flour out of the cupboard then I had to get some cream out of the fridge. Then I had to put the flour in it. I made a mess. My Mum was on the phone when I did it. Then Mum helped me. I want to bake the scones again next Saturday.
By Lucy

In the weekend I went to Connor's birthday, he turned 18. The party was in Darfield. I had potatoes and garlic bread and sausages. I stayed up and watched the rugby until well after 11pm I got ginger beer and watched the rugby. We lost.
By Kelly

Friday, August 19, 2011

Student Led Conferences

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week with your child!

 If you have something you would like to discuss without your children present please make another time before or after school.

Maui and the Sun

0ur mini production with the year 8 buddy class is on Friday Sept 9th during school assembly. We have had lots of interuptions to our practices and the snow has also put us behind in our fine tuning. It is a short 15-20 minute show and well worth a look!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two days off school due to snow

On Monday I skiied down Heathcote Valley Hill. Evelyn my friend came. It was a little bit scary then we went back to my house and had soup. Then we played a teenager game. It was awesome! I like the snow because it is sparkley.
By Coby

On Monday I saw some snow. I threw snow balls at Dad.  We built a snowman  it had elf ears. We had to find the newspaper in the snow. I pushed Dad over he said " Watch it!" After that I went inside for a hot chocolate and watched Chciken Little.
By Kelly

On Monday I woke up to snow. I went out in the snow in my pajamas. I was freezing. My Mum got a text from school.  When I  came back in my Mum made a milo she put 2 marshmellows in it. After that I went on my Mum's computer. I played  Stardoll and Ca-Bloom. After that I had a lemonade.
By Maya

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recount writing week 2

In the weekend I went to Ariana's party. It was at the Airforce Museum. First we had to get into dark green suits, they were Airforce suits. Then we got to do a course that was made of cones, tyres planks and a big net. The net was hard to get under. Next we went into this plane that we could jump out of. All of us got to do it 4 times. After that we all went in this  old house. It stunk in there. I got to sit on the bed, Coby did too. Lastly all of us got to go into a very special room. There was special helmets to wear while we were pretending to fight animals. Later we had lunch. For lunch we had hot chips and cheerios, ice cream and jelly. We had little plane biscuits with chocolate on them. They were very yummy. Nina's mum Bex picked me up and then we had a playdate. I want to have my party at the museum next time.
By Maya