Monday, August 29, 2011

29th August Recount writing

On Saturday I made some scones. I got the flour out of the cupboard then I had to get some cream out of the fridge. Then I had to put the flour in it. I made a mess. My Mum was on the phone when I did it. Then Mum helped me. I want to bake the scones again next Saturday.
By Lucy

In the weekend I went to Connor's birthday, he turned 18. The party was in Darfield. I had potatoes and garlic bread and sausages. I stayed up and watched the rugby until well after 11pm I got ginger beer and watched the rugby. We lost.
By Kelly

1 comment:

  1. Lucy your scones sound delicious...and Kelly I can't believe you stayed up for the whole rugby game! I went to bed after the first half I was so tired! We had fun skiing today in Wanaka...see you soon, Jo (Riley's Mum)
