Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two days off school due to snow

On Monday I skiied down Heathcote Valley Hill. Evelyn my friend came. It was a little bit scary then we went back to my house and had soup. Then we played a teenager game. It was awesome! I like the snow because it is sparkley.
By Coby

On Monday I saw some snow. I threw snow balls at Dad.  We built a snowman  it had elf ears. We had to find the newspaper in the snow. I pushed Dad over he said " Watch it!" After that I went inside for a hot chocolate and watched Chciken Little.
By Kelly

On Monday I woke up to snow. I went out in the snow in my pajamas. I was freezing. My Mum got a text from school.  When I  came back in my Mum made a milo she put 2 marshmellows in it. After that I went on my Mum's computer. I played  Stardoll and Ca-Bloom. After that I had a lemonade.
By Maya

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