Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Today Nina bought in her inquiry project.  Nina had investigated how the estuary habitat had been affected by the earthquake. She presented her findings after lunch with a clear voice and showed us her understanding. Nina your work was awesome. Well done on a great finish to your inquiry.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some dates to remember

28th, 29th November Student Led Conferences

1st December Sports Day

4th  December Family Fun Day

8th December Junior Prizegiving

13th December Trip into town to Christ's College

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 10 Term 3

Please come in and view the children's art ready for the calendar fundraiser before you place your order.

The Talent Quest was a great success and well done Maia from our room who won the junior prize. I hope you enjoyed that enormous lolly pop!

We are planning to go to Orana Park  week 1 next term. I will send some information home this week, we will need to provide transport in private cars.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

News Flash 8th September

Unfortunately we have had to postpone our mini production until next Friday the 16th September. Poor old Maui is sick!

Please keep your child home if they are unwell. We have a nasty stomach bug going around and a scary virus.
We also have nits in the class so please check your child's hair.

See you next Friday

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gym on Friday

Hi all don't forget to bring back your permission slips and money to Paula. We will be leaving at 10am.

Any help would be appreciated during the making of our mural. This Wednesday and Thursday at 2.15pm we will be french knitting and cutting out material to use on the mural.


29th August Recount writing

On Saturday I made some scones. I got the flour out of the cupboard then I had to get some cream out of the fridge. Then I had to put the flour in it. I made a mess. My Mum was on the phone when I did it. Then Mum helped me. I want to bake the scones again next Saturday.
By Lucy

In the weekend I went to Connor's birthday, he turned 18. The party was in Darfield. I had potatoes and garlic bread and sausages. I stayed up and watched the rugby until well after 11pm I got ginger beer and watched the rugby. We lost.
By Kelly

Friday, August 19, 2011

Student Led Conferences

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week with your child!

 If you have something you would like to discuss without your children present please make another time before or after school.

Maui and the Sun

0ur mini production with the year 8 buddy class is on Friday Sept 9th during school assembly. We have had lots of interuptions to our practices and the snow has also put us behind in our fine tuning. It is a short 15-20 minute show and well worth a look!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two days off school due to snow

On Monday I skiied down Heathcote Valley Hill. Evelyn my friend came. It was a little bit scary then we went back to my house and had soup. Then we played a teenager game. It was awesome! I like the snow because it is sparkley.
By Coby

On Monday I saw some snow. I threw snow balls at Dad.  We built a snowman  it had elf ears. We had to find the newspaper in the snow. I pushed Dad over he said " Watch it!" After that I went inside for a hot chocolate and watched Chciken Little.
By Kelly

On Monday I woke up to snow. I went out in the snow in my pajamas. I was freezing. My Mum got a text from school.  When I  came back in my Mum made a milo she put 2 marshmellows in it. After that I went on my Mum's computer. I played  Stardoll and Ca-Bloom. After that I had a lemonade.
By Maya

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recount writing week 2

In the weekend I went to Ariana's party. It was at the Airforce Museum. First we had to get into dark green suits, they were Airforce suits. Then we got to do a course that was made of cones, tyres planks and a big net. The net was hard to get under. Next we went into this plane that we could jump out of. All of us got to do it 4 times. After that we all went in this  old house. It stunk in there. I got to sit on the bed, Coby did too. Lastly all of us got to go into a very special room. There was special helmets to wear while we were pretending to fight animals. Later we had lunch. For lunch we had hot chips and cheerios, ice cream and jelly. We had little plane biscuits with chocolate on them. They were very yummy. Nina's mum Bex picked me up and then we had a playdate. I want to have my party at the museum next time.
By Maya

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 11

This week we said goodbye to Sue Brown who has been teacher aiding in our room. She was so much fun and had such a positive way of working with the children. We will miss her!

Last week we met Bugsy, today we met Slinky the Rat....I just coped. I was looking for the Pied Piper.

Enjoy the photos! Have a safe and relaxing break!

Whaea Sarah

(I will post photos in the holidays as our network is down today)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Descriptive writing 12.7.2011

I am a boy. I like to play with my friends they are birds. I have 4 teeth missing. I have a rats tail at the back of my head. I have blue eyes. My hair colour is dark brown. My age is 7 years.
By Luke

I am a boy. I have blonde short hair. My Birthday is May 26th. i am 7. I have lots of freckles. I have blue eyes. My favourite sport is rugby.
By Riley

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two days away and we are all okay for tomorrow 16 June

Hi everyone, we have cleaned up and are business as usual tomorrow! Feel free to pop in and support the children at any time during the day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Inquiry Term 2

Hopefully things are ticking along at home with the Space inquiry. Students should have a focus question to investigate and are beginning to collate their information before they decide how to present it.

Silly Bands
Please don't bring these to school to share or swap. Just wear them on your wrist and forget about them! They are causing some drama at break time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More writing

In the weekend my sister Briarley had a birthday party it was Nemo party. There were games we did a treasure hunt. We found lollypops. We went on the trampoline we also watched the movie of Nemo. There was a dog at the party we kept him in a cage. We had a cake then my sister opened her presents.
By Coby

Shared kai to celebrate Matariki

We were a little unsure if our potatoes were going to be yummy...

 We baked our potatoes early in the morning and kept them warm in the crockpot. The day was cold so they were the perfect lunch to warm us up. Some children came back again and again for more toppings of sour cream butter and tomato sauce.

Some writing

On Monday I went to Birdling's Flat, it took 17 kilometres because we biked there. At the end my Dad caught a baby shark it was great and fun. When we were heading home we saw my friend, his name is Callum.
By Gus

In the weekend I went to pick up a German family at the airport. Matai is 10 years old she speaks German. We went to the cafe.
By Amelia

Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 5

Room 4 enjoys using the puppets for oral language. The children have to talk about an adventure their puppet as had.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4 term 2

Pyjama day last Friday was very successful. The children and staff had far too much fun! We really enjoyed doing Jump Jam in our pyjamas and tried hard to stay clean when making our masks.

Feel free to pack slippers for the winter months.

Spelling is going well and everyone is learning their 10 words a week.

Topic is Space. Please discuss with your children what they have learnt and help them come up with a focus question to do a further inquiry on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Writing today- feel free to leave a comment

Today we had Cross Country I ran with Ariana and Maia. I got tired at the horse. When I got back I had a drink of water. It was fresh. We ran around Heathcote Valley. It was awesome. I felt hot and I was in the six year old girls' most people ran fast. Me and Arian and Maia ran fast Monique came first last year. I think I came fifth.
By Nina

Yesterday my buddy came from Room 12. We had to draw things that were blue. Then we played tag.
By Slade

In Tuesday we had Cross Country, it was fun. I ran with Maya. When me and Maya got up to the portaloo we got puffed then we started running again. We noticed houses when we got to the end. We got a drink and it was in Heathcote. We all had to run twice.
By Delta

The best thing I did in the holiday was my birthday.I turned seven. Me and my two friends drove to Chipmunks and then we dropped my friends off.

By Amelia

Yesterday my buddy from Room 12 came to our room. We did a lot of writing then we played tag and then we got to go home.

By Gus

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Digital story

Today I learnt to make digital stories and below is the trial one. Hope you like it the children will be learning how to do it themselves. Very exciting!

Digital story

Why let our students blog?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cross Country

Don't forget the Cross Country is on tomorrow May 17th at 9.05am. Please come and support the children.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 2 again

So sorry but I will be away looking after Harriet again- she is really unwell, poor thing. We had fun finishing our poetry writing with Room 12 and ran the cross country course with them also.
Keep up the nightly reading and spelling and I hope to see you all on Monday.

Whaea Sarah

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 2

I was away today with my daughter having exactly what my eldest son had a week ago. Nicci Heffernan was in and tells me she had a great day in Room 4. Spelling continues, the children will do the next ten words on their list which is either List 1 or List 2.
If you have a spare shirt or t-shirt that could be used during Art please bring it in as we will be getting messy over the next few weeks.

Keep warm and dry

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

General news

Please check your child's bookbag for their daily spelling and reading book. They may also have an additional maths sheet to complete.

Our Social Sciences unit has begun. Please support your child with discussing what makes them special, unique and who the people are in their life that contribute and shape who they are. It could be as simple as filling in the family tree and talking about their interests and things they enjoy.

Week 1 term 2

Welcome back everyone! We have had a lovely start to the term with a visit from my sister who teaches at Van Ash school. Fiona showed us some basic sign language and made us aware that sign language is one of the 3 official languages in New Zealand and that there are many opportunities to learn it and use it. I immediately think of the signing done during the quake with the council updates. Ask your child what is the sign for cat, dog, rabbit and "I want".

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 11

What a great morning we had baking hot cross buns and biscuits. Jane did a wonderful job of modelling the process and the students joined in to stir, knead and measure ingredients. This activity involved mathematical thinking, reading, science and technology.

The children also worked together on their sharing, taking turns and encouraging each other skills. All these attributes are wonderful Tall Learner goals. The buns were delicious and so were the biscuits.

Due to high demand here is the biscuit recipe-thanks Jane!
250 grams melted butter
2 cups flour
1 cup icing sugar
1 cup cornflour

Mix dry ingredients
Add melted butter and mix into a dough
Put into baking paper and shape into a log
Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden in an oven 150-160 degrees.

We chocolate dipped ours and used tiny piping bags Jane had made.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 10

What a great week we have had- our junior syndicate dance was fantastic in assembly on Thursday! Everybody put in lots of energy and effort.

Please use the online booking system for interviews next week.
I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Thankyou in advance to Rebecca, Fiona, Jane and Liz for your assistance in baking hot cross buns on Monday. I will post photos and the children's writing about the event.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kutu are in the house!

Please check your child's head for these annoying critters...

Please book your interview online as well - password L94WL

Monday, April 4, 2011

Old woollen blankets

Does anyone have any old pieces of woollen cloth or an old blanket we could cut up to make hearts on Friday? The Lyttelton ladies bring in cloth but it is great to get a variety and allow the children some creativity in their choice of colors.
Nikki Heffernan is relieving for me today, I am at home with a sick Ted (my youngest). Dad is on duty tomorrow though!Nikki is a fantastic guitarist and I have asked her to bring her guitar to entertain the children.

Whaea Sarah

Friday, April 1, 2011

1st April

What a busy day, we had Jump Jam, Poetry, Maths and the lovely ladies from Lyttelton came to visit. They are returning next Friday if anyone would like to help us sew.

The disco was really cool- I pulled a muscle busting out moves with Tim!

We are performing in assembly Thursday 11.45-12.30pm. That's all I am going to say.....It will be cool though

A reminder to get the Willowbank  (12th April)  forms in next week please

HOT CROSS BUN MAKING --11th April 10.30am--
Tim's Mum has kindly offered to come in and make shape and bake these. Any help would be great! We will also make and decorate some Easter biscuits. Preschoolers are welcome to attend and join in.

 Another artist in the making
We have had lots of people attend weddings and they love to show us what they wore-Gorgeous!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 9

 We were treated to a very informative talk on Monsters....
Buddy Reading

 A beautiful wee flower girl all dressed up!
A budding young artist

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just a couple of reminders...

Don't forget to give Paula in the office $2 for Life Education, we met Harold today and the children were totally absorbed with him and his message. Also Wednesday 3.30pm is the junior part of the school disco. I am dusting off my dancing shoes and will head over to the hall just before it starts.

It is lovely to have Lucy, Lucas, Luke and Max back with us again, we are sitting at around 17 on the roll at present.

If you have the chance ask your child to skip count in 2's and 5's, they are keen on it!

See you at the disco if not before.
Whaea Sarah

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 8 Lots of news!

It has been great to have had the first week back after the aftershock. I think everyone was nervous about returning. The children have been great at getting back into class routines. They have all been noticeably tired in the afternoons. Because our smartboard is temporarily out of action we have been unable to formally start out identity unit. Instead we are putting our efforts into a novel study on James and the Giant Peach. Come in and have a look at it- it looks more like a pear!
We will still do the unit but will finish the novel study first.They are being stretched as we discuss the book, it's characters and events.
Daily reading continues, to support your child please take a trip to the library as well and read read read together.
I have maths sheets available and are to be done at the child's own pace. Please see me if you would like extra sheets, I have a wide range.
Phonics spelling books have gone home and the children are all aware of what to do. If they are confused please come and see me. We buddy test in the mornings. Next term we will follow a syndicate spelling programme.
There will be optional writing cards available in the mornings. Please feel free to support your child (or any other) by sitting with them as they choose a high frequency word and write it as many times as possible on a whiteboard. Research has shown that this repeated exposure to writing has a positive impact on their writing. Once they have completed a whiteboard I will tick your child's chart and after filling up 10 spots they go in the treasure box. There are two lists, help your child choose a word that isn't too easy! Or I can assist with a word that I see needs correction in their writing.

I would love some help to make hot cross buns in week 11 if anyone is available please come and see me. Pre-schoolers are welcome.

The children have made a waka which is on the classroom wall. Underneath it is a whakatauki which says
"The canoe which is interlaced can never be broken'
Room 4 is starting to work together and I can see some very positive interactions between students which makes for a happy Whaea Sarah!

I am available before and after school if you would like to chat about any concerns.
Whaea Sarah

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bugsy again

Cute little friends!

Bugsy comes to visit

Everyone from the junior syndicate met wee Bugsy!

More writing 17.3.2011

Tonight I am going to Whitecliffs and I'm going to play with my friends called Will and Lottie. We will get to go down to the river. I'm going for the weekend.

By Abbey

Today I brought Bugsy in everybody thought it was cool. I'm going to thank my Dad. XXXXXXX

By Coby

Tomorrow my Gran's friends are coming over from Australia.

By Monique

Yesterday I went to the doctor. I went to the doctor because I had something wrong with my legs!

By Kelly

More writing 17.3.2011

Next week I am going to Australia. I am going to see a great white shark. We are going there on a plane.

By Gus

Next week I am going camping with Dad and Mum is staying at home and it will be a long trip. When I am in the car I will fall asleep.

By Maia

Story writing St Patrick's day

Next Thursday and Friday I am not going to be at school because on Thursday I am getting my nails done. On Friday I'm being a flower girl at my aunty and uncle's wedding and I'm going in a wedding car.

By Maya

Tomorrow I am going camping with my friends in the middle of a camping ground.
We have got a two room tent.

By Ariana

Next Thursday I am flying to Wellington. I have to get up at 5.30am and when I get there I am going to put my dress on.

By Nina

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meet our very talented actors giving us a superb performance of a play from our junior journals.

Back at school!

Kia ora e te whanau.
We are all pleased to be back at school! We met for a short assembly at 10.00am in the hall and were reminded to bring a water bottle each day and use hand sanitiser.
Today we had a play by some very talented class members.
After lunch we made a cloth of dreams which will be hung in our classroom. We also talked about a recipe to make our dreams come true.